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you can find these meditations on insight timer....

(under foresthearth or ruthi knight)...

as well as 1000's more from other wonderful humans...

a place,

   a practice,

      a prayer



click on the leaf to go to the description & audio

for this guided intention setting process

a brief blessing for these fragile times..

(click on the heart-rock to download

via dropbox)

a blessing that multiplies
00:00 / 02:29

a blessing


a meditation

this is just a short 10 minute meditation...

a chance to touch base with how we are feeling...

to check in with our bodies...

to pause in this time of pausing...


(trigger alert - you may hear chickens in the background, so don't listen if you're afraid of birds ;) )


you can listen to it online or click the image below to download via dropbox...

a meditation for vulnerable times
00:00 / 09:49

a little reflection for kids... by ruthi and wihla

(click on the image to download via dropbox)

for kids

kids colour meditation
00:00 / 08:53

a prayer

a little prayer in the midst of all this...

(click on the image to download via dropbox)

this is a prayer
00:00 / 02:50
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